Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Poisan Ball, Pirate Ball, Fukahara, and Human Knot

This is a simple yet fun game that Elementary School Children like to play. Its called Poison Ball. I deally its half way between dodgeball and piggy in the middle. This game is best played outside. Begin by making a square playing area with pile-ons (size can be dependant on class size and ability).
You will need: 2 balls (soft), A few pileons
Set Up:

-       Designate 2 children to be outside the square with the balls
-       The rest of the class has to be inside the pile-ons (if they step out they are out)
-       The 2 children outside must roll the ball at other classmates, if another child is hit with the ball below waist they go outside and join the children who are throwing the ball (they help to get others out)

You can really experiment with his game because there are many progressions- from variying the size of the ball to varying the size of the playing field.

This game is probably better for the older elementary children.
Equipment: 4 each of 4 types of balls, 4 mats, rope, 4 hula-hoops, flags and belts.  However, much of this equipment is not absolutely necessary for this game to be successful.
First of all you must divide the gym into 4 quadrants (Use the centre line and the rope to divide the gym, or chalk, tape, pile-ons may work too). Each quadrant must have a station of a mat placed diagonally in the back corner. And behind the mat (inside the small triangle created by the mat placement) place ahula hoops with one of each ball inside it.

How to play:
Divide the class into four equal teams and have each team put on flags and belts.  Each team should be designated by it’s own color of flag or pinnies.  Each player must begin the game from his or her own home base.  Each team will be given a name that is representative of their particular ball (for now we will call them the football team, basketball team, etc.).  The object of the game is for each team to collect all of their designated balls from the opposing teams.  The first team to have gathered all four of their own balls will be declared the winner of that round.  Following are the rules of this game:  Once a player enters an opposing teams quadrant (pirate ship), he or she is susceptible to having their flag removed.  If you have a flag torn off, or fall off while in an opposition’s territory you must retrieve your flag and go to their dungeon (mat).  Once inside the dungeon (on the mat), you must take your flags off and wave them overhead while kneeling.  (Note):  Any player from any team can remove the flag of any player who is not inside his/her own quadrant (ship).  However, the captured player would go to the dungeon (mat) of the team whose quadrant he was in at the time of his capture.  If a student successfully makes it into an opposing teams vault (triangle of floor behind the mat) he must rescue one of his/her teammates (to rescue; student must escort his/her teammate, by the hand, all the way back to their own quadrant).  In all variations of this game, rescued students and their escort, get a free walk back to their quadrant as long as the hand joins them.  If a player makes it to the opposing teams vault and there are no prisoners from his team to rescue, then he may steal only the treasure that represents his team.
     Following are some other miscellaneous rules that help with this game:
1.      Students cannot have their flag removed as long as they are in their own quadrant.
2.      Players are not allowed inside their own vault unless they are returning with a piece of treasure (ball).
3.      You may rescue only 1 player at a time.
4.      Players are not allowed on their own mat, this is how I stop the arguments over weather a person was safely in the vault or not when their flag was removed.  By not allowing players to be on their own mat, and opposing players to be safe if in the vault area, arguments are eliminated because:  If a player had his flag removed by an opposing player not on a mat, then he must be out because the students are not capable of reaching the vault without being on the mat.
5.      You may not rescue a player and a ball at the same time.
6.      If a flag falls off in enemy territory then you are out and must go to the dungeon.
The aim of the game is to get all your balls together into your hula hoop!

High School: 
We Play this one at volleyball all the time it is called Fukahara!
All you need is: A ball and access to a volleyball court (not nets needed)
Split the class into 2 teams. One team on one side of the centre line the other team is on the other. 
One person will serve from the back line.
The ball must be on the floor the entire time, and children must use their hands (no feet) to strike the ball.
There must be 3 contacts each side before the team can score.

How to score:
The ball  must cross the side line or the back line (BUT ONLY PAST THE ATTACK 3m LINE) on the other teams side. (In The green lines in the picture)
Which ever team scores sets to serve!

The intent for this game is to get the children to bond!
The set up for this game is versatile, you can do it as one big class game of spllit the class in half. 
Each person in the group must stand in a circle shoulder to shoulder facing in to the circle. Everyone first must lift their left hand and put it into the circle and grab somebody elses left hand (some body who is not next to them). They must do the same thing with their right hand also.
The children must communicate to "detangle themselves" without letting go of hands. The first team to stand in a circle with linked hands wins. 
here is a short video of a group of children doing the human knot:

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